Hey Educators!
What fun, physical and mental activity motivates kids to learn: geography, math, critical thinking, decision making, self awareness, science, spatial reasoning, outdoor awareness and cooperation
Since 1948, in Sweden, as well as other progressive countries, orienteering has been required curriculum content for 1st through 12th grade. In a Gallup survey, organized by the National Geographic Society, they accessed students’ geography awareness, map skills, and country location: Swedish students ranked first while students from the U.S. were last.
Any age, ability and physical condition can benefit from this unique challenge in this growing sport. Bring us to your school for classroom presentations, outdoor practical games, after school programs, whole school field days and family map activities. We can present in a one-time visit or provide an in depth progression culminating in a ‘mini event’ on a local map.
Orienteering is an Olympic sport that is just now realizing recognition in the U.S. Awareness of the map and compass sport is navigating across the country and our presentation will provide any student with enough understanding of the sport to participate in an event. There are now approximately 64 clubs in the U.S. that organize events for the public.
A completed program goes like this:
- First, we begin with an introduction in the classroom that includes video, overhead projections, equipment, GPS, and simple map games. Students will become familiar with topography, orienteering vocabulary, and the excitient of the competition.
- Then, we apply the information gained from the introduction, and use a map of the school yard to find orienteering markers like a treasure hunt. The teams race around looking for markers. Students cooperate and make decisions.
- The third step is to have a field trip to a local map and have a mock event with all of the equipment. We provide everything except the kids. Orienteering maps are unique, five-colored, detailed tools which the students are now ready to read with precision.
The entire process fosters self-confidence, problem solving, team building and a love of the outdoors.
Groups/Schools can also request a 5-color, computer enhanced orienteering map, teacher training and resources to present to future classes.
Or, just for fun in your school…Have a Treasure Hunt experience!!!
Groups use a map to find clues, solve a puzzle, and find the key to open the chest and reveal the treasure. It’s a game that all ages can enjoy, and they don’t even realize they are learning to read a map!
We will visit your school to introduce and demonstrate the value of this orienteering adventure for free. Schedule a time when parents, teachers, community leaders and administrators can come to see how it works. Once a program is installed, we will work with you to keep it growing for years. Everyone wins!